Kd1023 b379

Careers at Key Stage 5

The aim of the Careers Department is to provide up-to-date advice, guidance, information and support for all students to help them to:

  • Make informed choices about the full range of available options
  • Develop their future career ideas and plans
  • Make a successful transition into adult life

The ‘Introduction to the Careers Department’ link below outlines the full range of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) services offered to students, including the activities and learning taking place in each Key Stage.

There are also links to the Learner Entitlement statement (which outlines support all students can expect during their time at Kingdown School) and the school CEIAG policy.

Career Companion careers resource website

The school now has a bespoke careers website, Career Companion (external link), which is a one-stop shop containing a wide range of age-appropriate careers resources to help students understand their options, develop ideas and plans for the future as well as build the employability skills and experiences that are sought after by employers.

There are also local apprenticeship, job and voluntary opportunities listed. In addition, Career Companion has links to a number of external up-to-date, reliable and impartial careers websites and information (accessed by clicking the ‘Magnifying Glass’ button on the main site).

Careers Image Website

Please click here (external link) to explore the Career Companion site and resources.

The school also produces a Careers and Opportunities bulletin, advertises in the Kingdown News and via our Twitter link, @KingdownCareers.  These contain all the latest careers events and workshops, job, apprenticeship, work experience and voluntary work opportunities available locally and nationally. This is available to access on the main school website (internal link) and also via the link at the bottom of this page.

Employer and Parent Engagement

Kingdown School is very keen to develop improved links with the employers, businesses, other organisations and parents who work within our local community. Through your involvement, support and personal experience, we feel our students will be able to gain a greater awareness and understanding about the world of work and the careers and opportunities available to them in the future, helping to broaden horizons and raise aspirations. There are also benefits for your organisation in terms of potential recruitment of our talented students as future employees, apprentices or volunteers.

We are aiming to develop a database of contacts and possible offers of help. Any contribution you or your organisation can make can make a significant difference. Some examples of support offered might be careers talks to students, work experience placements, help with mock interviews, workplace visits, mentoring or notifying us of upcoming opportunities within your organisation.

If you would like to help, please contact Mrs Knight (Kingdown Careers Advisor) on 01985 224249 or at cxk@kingdown.wilts.sch.uk  Alternatively, you can complete the ‘Parents In Partnership’ questionnaire on the link below detailing the support you are able to offer, and then email it to Mrs Knight at the address above.

Review of the the Programme

The Careers Support and Employer Engagement Programme at Kingdown School is reviewed annually in the summer term with reports shared to the Senior Leadership Team and Governors in the Autumn Term.

Making A Careers Appointment

Year 12 and 13 students can book an appointment to see Mrs Knight (Careers Advisor) to discuss and have support with Apprenticeships, University, Decision making, Career planning and more.                                  

 How to book:

1) Use the booking link for Careers here (external link). 
2) Choose a day – 6th Form are able to choose between Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. 
3) Choose a time – meetings will run as per school lesson times.
   a) Please ensure you select a time when you have a free or study period.
   b) 1 hour is allocated, however you may only need 30mins. If you require a shorter meeting, please state this            in the 'Notes' section when booking.
4) Add your name and e-mail.
5) Please make sure you add a specific and brief note about what you want help with, i.e. 'University courses', or 'further information on Apprenticeships'.                

N.B: Mrs Knight will also be available for drop in’s (no appointment needed) during tutor times or break. If there are any emergencies and there are no available appointments, please email cxk@kingdown.wilts.sch.uk

Who to contact

If you have any questions about the careers programme at Kingdown School, please contact:

Mrs Knight, Careers Advisor (cxk@kingdown.wilts.sch.uk)

Telephone: 01985 224249

The Careers Leader SLT Member: Ian Humphrey (hu@kingdown.wilts.sch.uk)