Kd1023 b355

Parent's Role

Please do not hesitate to contact us if something is on your mind, or if you have a question or concern about a subject.

  • For non-subject specific queries, please refer to your child’s tutor in the first instance. If they are not able to answer your question directly, they will be able to pass the query on to the most appropriate member of staff. Alternatively, you may contact the relevant Head of House.
  • For subject-specific queries, please contact the subject teacher directly, or address your query to the relevant curriculum leader.

Taking an Interest

The most important thing you as a parent can do is to take an interest in your child’s learning.

Ask them on a daily basis about the work they have been doing in school; what are they particularly enjoying, and why? What are the weird and wonderful facts they have been learning about in class?

Check Go4Schools online or via the app to keep an eye on any homework set, what lessons they have the next day and achievement and rewards points. 

The more of an interest you can show in the work completed in school, the better the level of support you can offer.

No-one expects you to be an expert in Geography, French, Science and Maths… but you can ask questions, help your child to proof read their work, and ask them questions about how much they understand of what they have learned.


Organisation can be an issue for some students, so please help them to learn to organise themselves by ensuring their bag is packed the night before, and that all homework is completed (and returned) ready for the deadline.

Students need a quiet place to work. We appreciate this may be difficult in some households, so please encourage your child to remain in school for homework club if they need a place to study in peace and quiet. Please contact your child’s tutor if you need help or advice in this area.

Revision can be a challenge for many students. If your child has an upcoming test, please get them to check:

  • What subject matter will they be tested on?
  • What resources can they use to help their learning?
  • What approaches or techniques does the teacher recommend to help learn the material?

If you could then try testing your child (using the content in their exercise books, revision guides or teacher-supplied materials) it will help the revision process, and also help to ease any anxiety about an upcoming assessment.

For any questions you may have about your child’s Key Stage 3 curriculum, please contact Mrs Hill

For any questions you may have about your child’s Key Stage 4 curriculum, please contact Mr Hillier

For any questions you may have about your child’s Key Stage 5 curriculum, please contact Mr Humphrey