Kd1023 b170


We are a genderless uniformed school and take care to see that high standards are maintained by all of our students. To maintain high standards of school uniform we need the support of our families. We feel that uniform gives a sense of identity, pride and belonging. It is also efficient workwear for the school day.

The Kingdown School all-year round uniform comprises of:


  • Kingdown School blazer (available from Scholars); white shirt with house tie (available from Scholars or school) (Required)
  • Plain black high V-neck jumper (no logos) may be worn underneath the blazer but not in place of the blazer (Optional) hooded tops are not permitted on school site.
  • Coats – plain, dark colour (Optional)


  • Charcoal grey or black trousers – relaxed fit (not skinny); Charcoal grey or black knee length, tailored shorts – relaxed fit (not skinny); (Required)
  • Key Stage 3 (Years 7,8,9): Kingdown School tartan skirt of knee length. (Required)
  • Key Stage 4 (Years 10&11): Kingdown School tartan skirt of knee length or a knee length, A-line grey skirt  (Required)

 Jeans/denim material are not permitted.


  • Black ‘polishable’ leather or leather-look shoe. No sports branded shoes / trainers. We expect all students to wear a traditional shoe. Shoes are to be only black in colour. No canvas shoes or boots are permitted.


  • We allow a watch (not a ‘smart’ watch); one small ring and stud earrings. Only a small nose stud can be worn that can be removed for PE lessons, if one must be worn at all. Please ensure your child is able to remove their nose stud for health and safety reasons.

In addition:

  • No jewellery is permitted in PE lessons.
  • Acrylic nails are not permitted as in some lessons they are potentially dangerous.
  • Nails should be of short length and nude/natural colour.
  • Please avoid extreme haircuts
  • Hair should be of a natural colour

PE Kit

  • Red Kingdown School polo shirt or rugby top (Required)
    • Kingdown School mid-layer, Plain red base layer (Optional)
    • Hooded tops are not permitted
  • Red Kingdown School shorts/skort or plain black joggers or plain black Lycra sports leggings (no logos) (Required)
  • Red Kingdown School or plain red rugby socks, or plain white socks (bring a spare pair to change into) (Required)
  • Trainers/astro trainers no daps/high-tops(Required)
    • ​Optional: Football/Rugby boots  (Optional)
  • Plain black or navy swimming costume/shorts - years 7 & 8 (Required)

Additional kit

  • Shin pads - recommended for football/hockey, however, the use of shin pads is compulsory in all football and hockey matches and strongly advised in lessons. (Optional)
  • Gum shield - recommended for rugby/hockey, however, the use of gum shields is strongly advised in all hockey, rugby matches and PE lessons. (Optional)

Students are still expected to change into their PE kit (unless they physically cannot) even if they are unable to fully participate as a performer. Please ensure that all of your child’s school uniform is suitably labelled.

Uniform Support:

We will always do our best to support families who need help with uniform. If you need help to buy new or pre-loved items of uniform, please get in touch with Mr Hatcher. You can email him on ht@kingdown.wilts.sch.uk

We understand that there will be occasional issues with uniform. To support students with these issues we have a stock of uniform within school to lend students on a day-to-day basis. This means that any uniform issues can be corrected quickly and allow students to return to lessons. Students who refuse to correct issues with uniform will be dealt with in line with our behaviour policy. This means that students will need to remain in the Behaviour Hub until this is rectified. You can support us with this by emailing us with an explanation of the problems you are facing before your child arrives at school. Please send the email to uniform@kingdown.wilts.sch.uk.

Our school suppliers are:

Scholars, 42 George Street, Warminster 01985 847752 or visit website: 

Scholars website