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Key Stage 4 Expectations

Students at Key Stage 4 may follow a different curriculum but otherwise life at Key Stage 4 is very similar to that at Key Stage 3.


We expect excellent attendance. There is a direct correlation between attendance and attainment. Students with poor attendance generally do not succeed as well as those who do.


Excellent behaviour is expected at all times. Where a student’s behaviour falls short of the high standards we expect, sanctions will be applied according to the Kingdown School behaviour policy.


By the time students arrive in Year 10, they will be fully aware of how important homework is. We expect every student to complete homework to the best of their ability. The quantity and style of homework will vary from subject to subject.  Homework is not necessarily set according to a pre-defined timetable as flexibility is often required.

Students therefore need to use their organisers to record all tasks, and will have to manage their time effectively. If studying at home is an issue, or students require ICT facilities, the library is available after school on Monday – Thursday from 3pm until 4pm.

Most subject areas offer after school support for homework or for students who require additional support with classwork.

Tutor time and assemblies

The House tutor remains the main point of contact throughout the year and meets with the group each day for 20 minutes.

There is also a House Assembly once a week.

Year 9 Individual Advice and Guidance

During the spring and summer terms of Year 9, a huge amount of information and support is available for students to help them to make informed choices for Years 10 and 11 and beyond.

In addition to the options evening, there are assemblies and opportunities for discussions with teachers and tutors. Ms Gale (school careers advisor) also provides a comprehensive careers information, advice and guidance service to assist students with their career planning and development.

Careers Information

Careers guidance interviews are available for all students from Year 8 upwards. There is a planned programme of guidance interviews for students’ post-16 options in Year 11, reflecting the important decisions they will have to make during this key year.

Each student has the opportunity to meet with Ms Gale to explore the full range of options available and to discuss and develop their career plans. Interviews are confidential and impartial, allowing students to talk through their future aspirations and ideas in an encouraging atmosphere. Further interviews and support can be arranged with students as required.

Ms Gale also offers break time drop in sessions for students in all years that have any careers-related questions they would like to ask.

Ms Gale is also available at parents’/options evenings for students in Years 9 – 13. Additionally, parents can call the careers department and may book an appointment for further discussions at any time during the school year.

Special Events

The school arranges a programme of careers talks from local and national employers (including the Army, the Police and NHS), as well as ex-students who explain their own career paths.

There are also opportunities throughout the year for students to visit local colleges, universities, employers and voluntary organisations.

Who to contact

If you have any questions about Key Stage 4, please contact Mr Hillier, Deputy Headteacher, Head of Key Stage 4